Monday, December 14, 2009

First Blog!

Hey Everyone!

I decided to try and keep everyone a little more updated with mine and Adam's lives. And, of course, the upcoming arrival of our new little one in July! :D This is our first baby and we are SO excited! I also thought that this would be a great way to reflect back on the pregnancy later on. :)

So here's what's going on with the pregnancy so far:

I am 10 weeks along today! Yay! :)

I was sick (not horribly, but still not fun) from about week 5 to 9, but I'm feeling terrific now. :)

We are going to find out what the sex of the baby is, and YES, we are going to tell people. ;) We find out around 20 weeks. Maybe a little sooner. :)

No, we haven't picked a name yet. It's a lot harder than you'd think (for those of you who don't have kids yet). Being a girl, I had all of these names I was totally in love with all picked out... then I got married. Haha! Adam and I do not agree on a lot of names, but we have plenty of time and we're not really too worried about it right now. ;) This child will have a name... and for those of you who have talked to Adam, NO, the baby's name will NOT be Shrek, no matter what Adam tells you. ;)

As for regular life in general...

The last few weeks have been CRAZY BUSY for us. What with Thanksgiving, traveling, Adam's birthday (it was the 12th), doing stuff with the teens at church, shopping for Christmas, and the ending of the semester and finals at MNU (this has caused quite the crazy daycare schedules for me) I feel like we have been like the Energizer Bunny. Just going, and going, and going, and going... Only, I have no energy, lol! But things are starting to slow down, and for this I am eternally grateful. As of this moment right now, I only have one daycare kid. I feel like I'm on vacation! Haha! And am I doing something productive such as... working on the mountain of laundry (I'm being totally serious) in my room, cleaning my kitchen (which looks like it's exploded), picking up the four million toys on my floor (again, this is no exaggeration), or anything like that? Noooooo. I'm writing on my blog. Oh well, I've got all day, right? Right?

Okay, now I feel guilty. More updates soon! :)