Saturday, June 19, 2010

Less Than a Month!

Oh wow, do I suck at updating or what? Okay, you're right, I suck. ;)
So to keep this post from being super depressing, I'm gonna keep it VERY short. Sorry, but I have been unable to take my "happy pills" for almost 9 months now and it's starting to get rough. I am having some serious Debbie Downer issues today. Hopefully this does not rub off on all of you. :)
The past few weeks have actually been really nice. I haven't been working, so I've been able to clean house, run errands, catch up on sleep, and spend hours daydreaming in the nursery. :) The only downside to this is I get super lonely during the day and have anxiety issues whenever Adam doesn't spend his every free moment with me. (No happy pills, remember?) Poor guy has been really great though. I couldn't have gotten through things without him. :)
My church/small group/family threw me a baby shower a few Sundays ago, and I had an absolute BLAST! The girls did such a good job making everything perfect and beautiful! Awesome food, fun games, and generous friends make for a very happy (if slightly emotional) Dani. :D
Let's see, what else have we done?... Baby Girl's nursery is almost complete! Adam made her a shelf (it's awesome!), her closet and changing table are stocked, and we are just waiting for last minute details (which really don't have to be done before she gets here) like her glider, the letters for her name, and some wall art.
Adam and I went to a childbirth class at OMC. It was nice. We both learned some things that we didn't know before. We would not suggest doing an entire DAY class though. Really not necessary.
Got the carseat and base installed. This is a HUGE burden lifted off of my shoulders. I don't know why I was having such anxiety about it. I knew that if she came before we had it (and had it installed) that we could just send someone to go get it and put it in the car. It's not rocket science. But I feel SOOOOO much better about having the Police Department help Adam put it in and tell us that it was good to go. :)
I think other than that, we just need a baby to go with all of our cool new stuff! ;)

How far along? 36 weeks 4 days
Total weight gain/loss: I hate this question... I don't know, okay?!?!
Maternity clothes? Yes, if I'm not wearing Adam's clothes. ;)
Stretch marks? As of last week, I'm getting new ones on my legs... Is this weird? I think so.

Sleep: Sleep is becoming elusive... I'm either waking up to pee or I can't breathe and I have to sit up for a while, OR my legs get restless and I have to walk around the house some before I can get back in bed. :(
Best moment this week: Eh, this week was not a great one. The best part is that it's almost over and our little girl will be here soon!
Movement: Not as much now. She is CRAMPED and likes to let me know about it. ;)
Food cravings: Slushy/icey type things... and pie. Always pie. ;)
Gender: GIRL!
Labor Signs: We thought I was having contractions in the grocery store last night, but we think it may have been just her head rubbing my cervix. I know, you really wanted to know that. ;)
Belly Button in or out? Half and half? It looks ridiculous...

What I miss: Feeling normal...
What I am looking forward to: Seeing her!
Weekly Wisdom: If your doc tells you to use Tylenol as a last resort and to call and double check before you take it (which is normally a good idea, don't get me wrong), BUT your doctor's office is really sucky at getting back to you quickly and you've had a migraine for HOURS... JUST TAKE THE FLIPPING TYLENOL!!! Sorry, I almost have a fight with a nurse yesterday about this. ;)
Milestones: Next Tuesday is FULL TERM! YEAH!