Tuesday, February 23, 2010

It's a.....


Yay! I'm so excited! (Ha! Like I wouldn't have been if she had been a boy? lol) It was so... surreal getting to see her on the ultrasound. :) Especially since we JUST got to hear her heartbeat for the first time the Thursday before. I don't know if it's just me, but I think ultrasounds have really improved recently. I can remember a bunch of girlfriends last year bringing me pics of their ultrasounds and I could barely see anything! But these were SO clear! We could see all four chambers of her little heart, see each tiny finger bone, and could even count all of her little ribs! So precious! Our ultrasound technician even gave us a CD with like 8 pics of her! Once I figure out how to get them up here, I'll post some. :) It was so awesome. :) I think Adam was a little sad she wasn't a boy for about 2 minutes, and then he was over it. She's already got him wrapped around her itty bitty finger. :) *sigh*.....

On another note, since it's been so long since I've posted, I've also definitely started to be able to feel her kick! And Adam and Emily (my sister) have been able to feel her too! Now that is pretty awesome! :D I've found that she REALLY doesn't like to share my lap... with anyone or anything. Haha! Anytime one of my daycare kids sits on my lap or I try to rock one of them to sleep, she freaks out and starts kicking like crazy! Also if I put my laptop on my lab, she doesn't like that either and she'll kick at it. It's kinda precious. ;)

We also decided to have her bedding made, instead of buying a set. Adam found some really cute fabrics (pinks, greens, and brown) at Hobby Lobby and we bought a pattern and Billie's (my brother-in-law) Gramma Mavis offered to make the bedding! I'm pretty excited!

How far along? 20 weeks-ish... ultrasound tech said she's measuring 4 days ahead, so it may be a little different...
Total weight gain/loss: Not sure, we go to the doctor this weekend
Maternity clothes? Yes. I can officially not wear ANY of my pre-preg clothing and some of my regular t-shirts are getting snug.
Stretch marks? No new ones.

Sleep: Pretty good. Usually get up at least once to pee. My mother-in-law bought me a Snoogle pillow for my birthday and I am totally in love with it!
Best moment this week: Finding out she's a GIRL and feeling her kick!
Movement: Several times a day! :) Adam says she's gonna be a soccer player just like him. ;)
Food cravings: Just food in general. I'm always hungry. ;)
Gender: GIRL!
Labor Signs: None
Belly Button in or out? Starting to get shallow... saw the back of my bellybutton for the first time ever, ha!

What I miss: Bending over comfortably... tying my shoes is becoming a challenge. :)
What I am looking forward to: Getting her bedding made and picking a name!
Weekly Wisdom: Take naps when you can... they make you happy. :D
Milestones: Finding out gender and feeling her kick!

1 comment:

  1. I can't tell you just how excited I am for you guys. Let Mary know I want to help her with a baby shower for you.

    And I'm glad you finally updated! Sheesh! Since you're fasting from FB, I'd like to hear how you're doing!
