Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Halfway Mark!

I guess technically I was at the halfway mark last week, but I wasn't thinking about it, so we'll celebrate this week! Yay! :)
Had another doctor's appointment last week on Friday. Everything's looking good. I feel good. :) Blood pressure's good. It's allllll good. ;) The doc tried to hear the heartbeat again (I'm guessing they're going to do this every week now?) and was getting tickled b/c Baby Girl was being... elusive. ;) She doesn't like people invading her space so she kept slipping out from under the doppler wand. I was trying hard not to laugh. ;) We heard it for a couple of seconds though, so it was fine. Doctor's only comment was, "Well, she'll run out of room in there eventually and she won't be able to escape pretty soon, haha!" I love my doctor. He's so mellow and just makes me feel so comfortable and relaxed. I am so blessed. :)
I don't really think I have too much else to post about. Not much has happened in the last week, and I'm okay with that. Ha! I've given up facebook for Lent with our church's youth group, so I'm going to try and post some pictures in the blog from the past few weeks. Wish me luck!

21 Weeks

20 Weeks... Looking rough ;)
How far along? 21 weeks

Total weight gain/loss: Half a pound. :( I guess it's better than losing weight...
Maternity clothes? Yes.
Stretch marks? No new ones.

Sleep: Eh, I have good nights and not-so-good nights. My back is starting to really bother me, so it makes sleep uncomfortable sometimes.
Best moment this week: Finally getting ALL of the supplies for her bedding! Now we just have to sent it off to get it made.
Movement: Lots! It's so fun feeling her, and it always makes me smile. :)
Food cravings: Just food in general. I'm always hungry. ;)
Gender: GIRL!
Labor Signs: None
Belly Button in or out? Starting to get shallow... saw the back of my bellybutton for the first time ever, ha!

What I miss: Sleeping through the night. I'm always waking up to either pee, stretch, or because my arm or something has fallen asleep.
What I am looking forward to: Picking her name!
Weekly Wisdom: Talk to your hubby about anything that's bothering you... otherwise, it bottles up and then you have a melt-down and it freaks him out. ;)
Milestones: Made it past the halfway mark!

1 comment:

  1. Yay! Baby girl is getting big!! So glad you're feeling good. You look incredible! I wanna feel her kick! I'll live vicariously through you past your 30 week mark. :-) (If that's ok with you, hehe)
