Friday, May 28, 2010

Lots of Updates!

Okay, wow! I have not updated in SOOOO long! It's been so long that I can't remember what my last post was, and I can't remember what's on it, so hopefully, this one is not full of repeats. If it is... sorry! ;)

Let's see... last time I updated was April, so let me think of what's new.
*I am officially done working for the summer! I know I probably shouldn't be that excited about it, and I DO miss my kiddos, but I have been able to get a bunch of stuff done, which is nice.
*My sister-in-law, Shannon, graduated from MNU, so we got to hang out with a TON of family. That was a blast. :)
*My sister, Hannah, graduated from High School and Adam and I took our final road trip back down to Southeast MO (at least while I'm pregnant) to celebrate with her. She was third in her class and we are SO proud of her! :D
*We have Baby Girl's first name picked out... but Adam wants to keep it a secret, so I can't tell you. Yes, it's killing me. We totally love it though. :) And when she's here and you hear it, and you don't like it... keep it to yourself! Haha! ;)
*I continue to fight the silent battle of orthodontia... I have had my braces on for more than a YEAR longer than they predicted... And let's just say I've had enough. The last 6 months worth of conversations have literally gone like this:
Orthodontist: "Things are looking good."
Me: "Great! So are we almost done?"
Ortho: "Oh yes! We just have to move this tooth a hair more, and then we'll be good!"
Me: "Wait... isn't that what you said last time?"
Ortho: "Well, yes, but it's getting close... we're a mere millimeter away."
Me: "A millimeter? Seriously? We've been waiting 6 months for A MILLIMETER!?!"
Ortho: "Well, yes, but you don't want to have come all this way and things not be perfect do you?"
This is where I just grit my teeth and smile at him... and think that he's lucky they took all of the sharp, pointy instruments away from my reach...
The last two times I have left the orthodontist's office, I have made it all the way to my car before I burst into tears. He guarantees me that they will be off before this baby gets here. That man has less than 7 weeks... 'Nuff said.
*Other than that, we've just been working on her room, and trying to make sure we have all of our ducks in a row before our little "duckling" gets here. :) I can't WAIT!

How far along? 33 weeks 3 days
Total weight gain/loss: As of yesterday, about 10 lbs. :)
Maternity clothes? Yes, although, I'm getting tired of rotating the same 5 shirts around, haha!
Stretch marks? No new ones.

Sleep: Sleeping well! But I think my body is practicing not sleeping in... every morning at 7am my eyes POP open!
Best moment this week: Getting our maternity pictures taken! :D And swimming with some girlfriends... SO fun!
Movement: She moves all the time! She is quickly running out of room though, so the movements are the cramped/shifting kind. Poor kid. ;)
Food cravings: Slushy/icey type things. I bought a BUNCH of Freezie-Pops the other day and I am in Heaven!
Gender: GIRL!
Labor Signs: None, thank goodness!
Belly Button in or out? Slowly but surely, it's working it's way out! Haha! It's so goofy looking...

What I miss: I miss NOT feeling like a beached whale when I try to get off of the bed or couch! ;)
What I am looking forward to: Seeing her!
Weekly Wisdom: Do not be afraid to ask someone (spouse, friend, random stranger in the parking lot) to help you out of the car... otherwise, you just look really stupid trying to heave/roll yourself out. ;)
Milestones: Can't think of one...

We had our awesome friend, Megan Keith, take out maternity pictures this past Sunday. She did an EXCELLENT job! We are totally in love with all of them! Here are just a few of our favorites! Thanks again Meg! We LOVE them! :D

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