Wednesday, April 21, 2010

The Weekend of Weekends!

Time flies when you're having fun! And lemme tell ya, we've been having some fun. ;) The past week has been so busy crazy, but in a good way. Adam was a groomsman for one of his best friends, and I helped with the guestbook and the reception. It was a LOT of work, but the wedding turned out beautiful and everything went perfectly. Congratulations to Scott & Shannon Brooks! :D That's how we spent the majority of Thursday and Friday of this past week (running around doing wedding things).
Saturday was spent hanging out with my Mom, sister, and Gramma! They came up for Emily's art show (which went magnificently, yay Em!) and we literally shopped ALL DAY Saturday. :) I have to give a little shout out for my sister, Emily and her amazing Public Relations class. This group of 4 girls had less than a semester to put together a public event to benefit others. They chose to work with Artists Helping the Homeless. They decided on an art show and planned the whole thing themselves! This included contacting a famous artist to contribute art, as well as contacting numerous schools for art donations. These girls did such an excellent job! They also made a goal of $400 for the art show to give to the Artists Helping the Homeless. They made.... over $1000! I am SO proud of these girls! :D
Sunday we had church and a very special lunch with an old friend. I grew up in Maryland with a girl who I've kept in touch with over the years. She joined the Navy after high school and has been station in Guam for the past 3 years or so. She's on leave for a few weeks and just so happens to be in Kansas City! She called me up and asked if I'd like to have lunch Sunday and of course, I said yes! It was great to see her and meet her boyfriend and a girlfriend of hers. Yay for childhood friends! :)
It was a most excellent weekend that I don't think I've fully recovered from yet, but I wouldn't trade it for anything. :) Here's a new belly pic for you guys. Enjoy!

28 Week Belly

How far along? 28 weeks 2 days

Total weight gain/loss: I'll find out on Thursday at the doctor's.
Maternity clothes? Yep, and I've started to raid Adam's closet for t-shirt and basketball shorts, poor guy ;)
Stretch marks? Nope, but I have started getting weird red bumps around my belly-button from my shirts rubbing. :(

Sleep: Pretty good! I only get up once a night now! :)
Best moment this week: I felt her on both sides of my stomach at the same time! SO cool!
Movement: She moves all the time! She likes to bunch up in one spot and it makes my belly look lopsided, it's pretty funny.
Food cravings: I want a sno-cone so bad, but that's Shelley Cotton's fault! ;)
Gender: GIRL!
Labor Signs: None, thank goodness!
Belly Button in or out? Still in...

What I miss: Being able to bend.
What I am looking forward to: Meeting her!
Weekly Wisdom: Do not be afraid to ask someone (spouse, friend, random stranger in the parking lot) to help you out of the car... otherwise, you just look really stupid trying to heave/roll yourself out. ;)
Milestones: Can't think of one...

1 comment:

  1. Last weekend was so fun and you were totally adorable! I'm loving these baby bump pics! Little girl is getting so big!
