Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Our Spring Break "Adventure"

Okay, so I guess you may be wondering if I've dropped off the face of the planet. No I have not, but I thought I was there for a bit. Had quite the adventure a few weeks ago. Let me tell you about it:

So right around the time of my last post, I started having some pretty bad pain in my back, about midway up on my right side. I chalked it up to pregnancy and tried to just suck it up. Well, I didn't sleep because of the pain Thursday night, or Friday night, and it got even worse on Saturday night. I tried Tylenol, I tried hot packs, I tried cold packs, I had Adam rub my back, I tried showers and baths... NOTHING worked. Two extra strength Tylenol didn't even take the edge off, and by Saturday night I started having trouble breathing due to the amount of pain I was experiencing. By the time Sunday morning rolled around I couldn't breathe, walk, or speak and I just cried constantly. And as luck would have it, my doctor was out of town for Spring Break. Also, with it being Sunday, nothing was open as far as doctor's went anyway. So Adam called the on-call physician and he sent us to the Emergency Room thinking that I was having problems with a kidney stone. He also totally freaked me out about Baby Girl, asking if I had felt her move and thinking that since I hadn't, there might be something wrong with her too. After spending all day in the ER getting poked, prodded, stuck with needles, and having all sorts of tests done, the doctors and nurses decided that there was no blood in my urine (which ruled out kidney stones and infection), they couldn't see my appendix due to Baby Girl (although I wasn't running a fever, which would have signaled an impending rupture, and I have sludge and stones in my gall bladder (which isn't good). They talked about the possibility of gall bladder surgery, but they wanted to wait until tomorrow to talk to the surgeon. So they gave me some drugs and sent me home Sunday night telling me to follow up with the on-call physician the next day. After another rough night (the drugs didn't help much) Adam took me to the doctor where I had an absolute pain/panic attack during the visit. I'm pretty sure I pulled some Exorcist moves, and my head may or may not have spun around on my neck. ;) So the doctor decided to send me straight to the hospital. Smart man. :) Adam and I spent all of Monday and the better part of Tuesday in the hospital where they took more blood and urine from me than I thought humanly possible (at all hours of the day and night), blew three veins in my wrists trying to put an IV in, and kept me moderately doped up (just enough to take the edge off the pain without causing harm to Baby Girl). To make and even longer and more confusing story shorter and less confusing... the doctors never did figure out what exactly was wrong with me. I was displaying all the right symptoms for various illnesses, but not at the right times or with other corresponding symptoms (mainly, I never had a fever). Unfortunately, all they could do was write me a prescription for pain meds, put me on a low-fat diet for my gall bladder, and hope that the pain went away. They decided not to take my gall bladder out now due to the baby and the risks involved with that. I spend the rest of that week and most of the next in bed, and surprisingly enough, the pain eventually did go away! I'm still on meds for acid reflux, but they took me off the low-fat diet (which absolutely sucks by the way... it's like eating sawdust for every meal) and I'm feeling much better! I actually went back to work this week and I haven't had to take a pain pill since last Friday, hooray! Also, I missed taking pictures of my growing belly for week 23 and 24 (sorry!) because that was the absolute last thing on my mind, but I do have one for this week!

25 Week Belly

How far along? 25 weeks even

Total weight gain/loss: I have no idea b/c I was heavily medicated the last time we went to the doctor, haha.
Maternity clothes? Yep, there's no going back now! ;)
Stretch marks? No new ones.

Sleep: Sleep? What's sleep? I have had the most terrible time sleeping these past few days! I chalk it up to restless leg syndrome... which has spread to my whole body. You can ask Adam, my whole body twitches all night long. It's made for some long nights for both of us. :(
Best moment this week: Not taking any pain pills, yay!
Movement: Lots! Adam and I have been calling her a ninja, 'cause this girl has some serious moves! ;)
Food cravings: Anything with apples and cinnamon!
Gender: GIRL!
Labor Signs: None, thank goodness! We had a freak-out last week that almost sent us back to the ER b/c I thought I was having contractions. My belly was hurting and the top of it kept getting really hard and crampy, so we called the doc and he said that if it was contractions, they'd be in the bottom of my belly (made sense after he said that) and decided that it was acid reflux. Whew!
Belly Button in or out? Still in... but getting shallow-er (is that a word?).

What I miss: Sleeping through the night. :(
What I am looking forward to: Picking her name!
Weekly Wisdom: Try to stay out of the hospital until you actually go in to have your baby. ;)
Milestones: My belly totally "popped" and I feel huge. I guess this is a milestone? And now Baby Girl is officially viable. Meaning if she is born now, she has a much higher survival rate than previous weeks. Not that I want her to be born quite yet. Still cookin'. ;)

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad you're feeling better! What scary times...

    And you look so stinkin adorable! Baby Girl is growing!! I can't wait to hold and cuddle her :-)
